
Art School Teacher: On Having a Listening Practice

I thought class would be one way, but it turned out another.  We went outside to listen.  Later some of the students reported the leaves were crunching too loudly for them to listen.

We rushed to get back to class before the drill, and of course, when we rush, we can't listen, the students noticed.

What gets in the way of our listening?  One girl points to her head with both index fingers.  She doesn't often talk.  We all know what she means.

It was a yellow drill where we imagine an intruder and lock the doors and hide away from windows and be very quiet.

But some report it is too quiet to listen, disturbed by the pulsing of their hearts in their ears.

They grow sleepy.

How does listening feel in our bodies?

They are not sure.

This week, practice listening.  Every time you think of it, take a minute to just listen and notice how it makes you feel.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this listening prompt. I'm going to practice it all day and try to make it into a habit. Humble listening is the best road to enlightenment. I appreciate this more than you know.
